Anna-Stiina Suur-Uski

Department of Physics
Helsinki Institute of Physics

Scientist Physics

Anna-Stiina Suur-Uski is a scientist in the department of physics at Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland. He is working on the project "Planck-Euclid". He has completed his Ph.D. in physics. He has published many research papers, which appeared in national and international journals.

Research Intrest

CMB Radiation, Cosmic waves

List of Publications
Savelainen, Matti. "Characterization of Primordial Perturbations by Observations." (2014).
Greater Uski, Anna-Stiina. "Probing the Cosmic Microwave Background-Maps and Noise Covariance Matrices." (2016).
Greater Uski, Anna-Stiina. "The findings of the Planck satellite underpin the standard model of cosmology." Arkhimedes 2015: 3