Anamaría Escofet Giansone

Principal Researcher
Department of Marine ecology
Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada


Anamaría Escofet Giansone is Principal Researcher handling project Applied ecology in the intertidal strip of the temperate Pacific

Research Intrest

Applied Ecology in the Coastal Zone

List of Publications
Escofet Giansone, A. (2014). Thematic motivation and methodological facilitation: classroom-workshop advances. In Alberto Conde Flores (Eds.), On Complex Systems, the intended end (pp. 181)
Torres Moye, G., & Escofet Giansone, A. (2014). Land-sea interactions in Punta China (Baja California, Mexico): addressing anthropic and natural disturbances in a retrospective context . Journal of Environmental Protection , 5 , 1520-1530