Alba Ruiz de Andrés

Post-doctoral researcher
Viral Immune Evasion and Vaccines (VIRIEVAC)

Scientist Immunology

Alba Ruiz obtained a degree in Human Biology from Barcelona’s Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in 2008, followed by two MSc degrees, one in Tropical Infectious Diseases from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 2009 and the other in International Health from the University of Barcelona (UB) in 2010. In September 2011 she joined IrsiCaixa, firstly as a PhD student in Dr. José A. Esté’s group and, since December 2014, as a post-doctoral researcher in Dr. Julia G. Prado’s group, where, focusing on eradication strategies, she is working on antiviral CD8+ T-cell recognition of HIV-1 latently infected cells.

Research Intrest

virology, HIV, Immunology

List of Publications
Ballana, E., Badia, R., Terradas, G., Torres-Torronteras, J., Ruiz, A., Pauls, E., … Esté, J. A. (2014). SAMHD1 Specifically Affects the Antiviral Potency of Thymidine Analog HIV Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 58(8), 4804–4813.
Eduardo Pauls, Esther Jimenez, Alba Ruiz, Marc Permanyer, Ester Ballana, Helena Costa, Rute Nascimiento, R. Michael Parkhouse, Ruth Peña, Eva Riveiro-Muñoz, Miguel A. Martinez, Bonaventura Clotet, José A. Esté, Margarida Bofill
Pauls, E., Ruiz, A., Riveira-Muñoz, E., Permanyer, M., Badia, R., Clotet, B., … Este, J. A. (2014). p21 regulates the HIV-1 restriction factor SAMHD1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(14), E1322–E1324.
Eduardo Pauls, Alba Ruiz, Roger Badia, Marc Permanyer, Albert Gubern, Eva Riveira-Muñoz, Javier Torres-Torronteras, Mar Álvarez, Beatriz Mothe, Christian Brander, Manel Crespo, Luis Menéndez-Arias, Bonaventura Clotet, Oliver T. Keppler, Ramon Martí, Francesc Posas, Ester Ballana, José A. Esté
Ruiz, A., Pauls, E., Badia, R., Torres-Torronteras, J., Riveira-Muñoz, E., Clotet, B., … Esté, J. A. (2015). Cyclin D3-dependent control of the dNTP pool and HIV-1 replication in human macrophages. Cell Cycle, 14(11), 1657–1665.