Alain Colignon (°1959) has studied at the University of Liège where he obtained his degree as licentiate in contemporary history in 1981. In 1989, after several research assignments at the Province of Liège, he became a researcher at the future CEGESOMA. Co-librarian of this institution since 1992, he also answers questions of a scientific nature by the French-speaking public. He became French-language editorial assistant of the Cahiers d'histoire du temps présent in 2011, and exercices the same function for the Journal of Belgian History since 2012. He has dedicated several articles to daily life during the Second World War. He also took an interest in radical politics (the extreme right and extreme left), the collective memory of war periods and representations of identity (social semiology). He has published several contributions in the Encyclopédie du Mouvement wallon (1993-1997) and in the Dictionnaire historique de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en Belgique (2007), as well as some sixty articles on the period 1914-1970 and several contributions on regional ethnology.
"Le temps des vaches maigres", "Une collaboration 'nationale' (with Br. De Wever), "Epuration ou répression ?", in Le Vif L'express Hors-Série. 40-45. La Belgique en guerre, Roeselare, Roularta, 2015, p. 30-35, 42-49 and 160-165. "1930-1945, ou quand "Nos Gloires" rendirent les armes...", in A l'aune de "Nos Gloires". Edifier, narrer et embellir par l'image. Actes du colloque tenu au Musée royal de Mariemont les 9 et 10 novembre 2012, Bruxelles, Musée royal de Mariemont/Presses Universitaires de Saint-Louis Bruxelles, 2015, p. 205-215. "Une église "qui n'a rien d'une perle", coeur d'une paroisse populeuse", in Sainte-Marguerite. Du faubourg au quartier, Liège, Coordination socioculturelle de Sainte-Marguerite asbl, 2014, p. 268-274.