Avatcha, Production Firm, Limited Liability Company
Dr. A. Beck is Senior Director, Antibody Physico-Chemistry and member of the board of directors of the CIPF. He contributed to the R&D of anticancer mAbs (dalotuzumab/IGF-1R with Merck, h224G11/cMet with Abbott, h515H7/CXCR4, h6F4/JAM-A), vaccines and peptides. He is inventor on 16 patents, author of 80 publications, associate editor of mAbs ( and guest editor for special issues on mAbs (Nat Rev Immunol, Anal Chem, Curr Pharm Biotech, Medecine/ Sciences and Meth Mol Biol).
resented by the Society for Applied Spectroscopy; the Heinrich Award in 1995 presented by the Microbeam Analysis Society; the Washington Academy of Sciences Outstanding Contribution to the Physical Sciences