Ahmad Alkhatib

Abertay University
United Kingdom

Scientist Nursing

Alkhatib is the Head of Sport and Exercise Science Division at Abertay University in the UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, an accredited UK nutritionist (RNutr), a clinical physiologist, a certified international sports nutritionist (CISSN), and also a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He obtained his PhD in Exercise Physiology and Metabolism, and MSc in Exercise Sciences (Health and Fitness) from the University of Essex, UK. His current research focuses on prescribing effective exercise and nutritional interventions for weight loss, disease prevention and sports performance. He has over 100 publications and won several research and academic excellence awards. Alkhatib is the Head of Sport and Exercise Science Division at Abertay University in the UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, an accredited UK nutritionist (RNutr), a clinical physiologist, a certified international sports nutritionist (CISSN), and also a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He obtained his PhD in Exercise Physiology and Metabolism, and MSc in Exercise Sciences (Health and Fitness) from the University of Essex, UK. His current research focuses on prescribing effective exercise and nutritional interventions for weight loss, disease prevention and sports performance. He has over 100 publications and won several research and academic excellence awards.

Research Intrest

Metabolic exercise assessment: Methodological recommendations for clinicians, health and exercise professionals