Senior Researcher
Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences
Aglaya Snetkov is a senior researcher at the ETH Zurich and an adjunct lecturer at the Universities of Zurich and St Gallen. She holds a Doctorate from the University of Birmingham, and Master degrees from University of Oxford and University of Birmingham. She has also been a visiting research fellow at the Elliott School, George Washington University and the Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
Her primary research interests revolve around critical IR and security studies, global and regional governance, international security crises and Russian foreign policy. She is currently engaged in a number of collaborative projects, such as ‘Cooperation and Competition: the politics of inter-organizational relations in international security,’ and an SNF-funded project, carried out with SWP, Berlin and University of Geneva, entitled: ‘Which region? The politics of the UN Security Council P5 in international security crises.’ Aglaya Snetkov is also an editor of the Russian Analytical Digest (RAD), a bi-weekly analytical publication covering political, foreign policy, economic and social developments in Russia.