Abramov Nikolay

School of Engineering and Sustainable Development
De Montfort University
United Kingdom

Scientist Engineering

Nikolay is a senior researcher in technical department of Engineering and Sustainable Development.

Research Intrest

Flight dynamics, aerodynamic modelling, unsteady aerodynamics at separated flow conditions, identification, nonlinear dynamical systems, mathematical modelling

List of Publications
Abramov N, Goman M, Khrabrov AN (2012) Aerodynamic model of transport airplane in extended envelope for simulation of upset recovery. ICAS 2012-3.1.2, 28th International congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Brisbane, Australia.
Abramov N (2014) Flight Envelope Expansion via Active Control Solutions for a Generic Tailless Aircraft. 29th ICAS Congress 2014. St. Petersburg, Russia.
Sereez M, Abramov N, Goman M (2015) Computational Simulation of Airfoils Stall Aerodynamics at Low Reynolds Numbers. Royal Aeronautical Society, Applied Aerodynamics Conference.

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