Aakash Chawade

Associate Professor
Department of Plant Breeding
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Scientist Plant Sciences

Aakash Chawade is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Plant Breeding at SLU. He was working as a researcher (2014-2016)in Lund University. He did Post Doc in computational proteomics (2012-2014), Lund University and PhD in Biology (2006-2011)in University of Gothenburg. He was completed Masters in Bioinformatics (2003-2005)from University of Skövde and BSc in Genetics, Microbiology, Chemistry (1997-2000), Osmania University, India.The overall research goal of his group is to understand genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying biotic and abiotic stresses in wheat. He lecture in the subjects like bioinformatics, basic statistics, polyploidy, self-pollination and plant phenotyping at the undergraduate and MSc level at SLU.

Research Intrest

Identification of key resistance genes for yellow rust and Septoria tritici blotch resistance in wheat; Identification of molecular mechanisms underlying resistance to these diseases in wheat by SNP genotyping, next generation sequencing and proteomics.

List of Publications
Kunwar P, Kushwaha S, Yadav M, Pareek N, Chawade A, (2017) Food waste to energy: an overview of sustainable approaches for food waste management and nutrient recycling. Biomed Research International 1–19.
Zeller K, Forreryd A, Lindberg T, Gradin R, Chawade A, (2017) The GARD platform for potency assessment of skin sensitizing chemicals. ALTEX.
Grenville-Briggs LJ, Kushwaha SK, Cleary MR, Witzell J, Chawade A, (2017) Draft genome of the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora cactorum strain LV007 isolated from European beech (Fagus sylvatica). Genomics Data.