Zhaoli Song

Assoc Professor
Management & Organisation
National University of Singapore


M.S., Statistics, University of Minnesota, USA, 2004 PhD, Human Resources and Industrial Relations, University of Minnesota, USA, 2004 M.S., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 1999 B.A., Optics, Sichuan University, China, 1995

Research Intrest

Job Search And Reemployment Process Behavior Genetics Momentary Assessment Of Emotion Experience Sampling Methods Using Cell Phones Employee Development Chinese Management

List of Publications
A mixed blessing? Dual mediating mechanisms in the relationship between dopamine transporter gene dat 1 and leadership role occupancy, with Li, W.D., Wang, N., Arvey, R.D., Soong, R. and Saw, S.M (2014), Leadership Quarterly , in press

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management