Zhang town

College of Life Information and Instrument Engineering
Hangzhou Dianzi University

Professor Engineering

Zhang Mingzhen, Ph.D., male, researcher, school professor. Bachelor of Science in Polymer Science, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo , Canada . He has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Pharmacy in Montreal, Canada, and as a special researcher at the Japan Society for the Advancement of Science at the University of Tokyo. In 2012 , went to the United States Cornell University School of Medicine affiliated Methodist Institute to send a small RNA nano-carrier research. The main research direction for targeting tumor nano-drug / gene carrier, polymer self-assembly, polymer modification, fluorescence spectroscopy. Since 2009 , has hosted the National Natural Science Fund 2 and provincial and ministerial level 3 ; participate in the United States National Cancer Institute ( NCI ), the US Department of Defense ( DOD ) major projects. Has published more than ten papers in the form of the first author , such as Nano Today , Advanced Materials , Biomaterials , Macromolecules and other SCI academic journals.

Research Intrest

Tumor nano-drug / gene carrier, polymer self-assembly,polymer modification and fluorescence spectroscopy.

Global Scientific Words in Engineering