Zervas Efthimios

Marine Reasearch
Hellenic Center for Marine Research

Professor Chemistry

STUDIES 1989 Diploma of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens - Greece. 1991 DEA (M.Sc.) of Petroleum Sciences, Ecole Nationale du Pétrole et des Moteurs (ENSPM) and University Paris VI - France. Thesis: «Isomerisation of the C8 aromatic cup on catalysts based on mordenite». 1992 DEA (M.Sc.) of Dynamic of Global Economy, University Paris X - France. 1996 Doctorat (Ph.D.) of Chemistry, Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP) and University of Haute Alsace - France. Thesis: «Study of the formation mechanisms of the specific pollutants emitted from internal combustion engines».

Research Intrest

Alternative fuels (biofuels, hydrogen). Emission regulations. Energy and environmental policy. Climate change

List of Publications
Zervas E. (2004), Correlations between cycle-to-cycle variations and combustion parameters of a spark ignition engine, Appl. Therm. Eng., 24, 14-15, 2073-2081.
Zervas E., Montagne X., Lahaye J. (2001), C1-C5 organic acids emissions from a SI engine. Influence of fuel and air/fuel equivalence ratio, Environ. Sci. Technol., 35, 2746-2751.
. Zervas E., Tazerout M. (2000), Organic acids emissions from natural gas fed engines, Atm. Environ., 34, 3921-3929
Zervas E., Montagne X., Lahaye J. (1999), Influence of the gasoline formulation on specific pollutants, J. Air Waste Manag. Assoc., 49, 1304-1314

Global Scientific Words in Chemistry