Head of the preparation of highly qualified person
Department of Science
Belarusian State Pedagogical University
He graduated from the Physics Faculty of Baku State University in 1986. In the same year he entered the graduate school of Baku State University on a specialty 01.04.10-Physics of semiconductors and dielectrics. Until the end of 1999 he worked at the Department of Semiconductor Physics as a junior researcher, research officer, and senior research fellow. In 1997 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences "Microwave photoconductivity of diamond crystals". He was the scientific supervisor of three projects devoted to the physics of diamond: · Development of the principles of non-contact UV photodetectors based on materials with negative electron affinity of the surface. · Investigate the physical chemistry of the surface of materials with a negative electron affinity. · To investigate the photoelectric and emission properties of diamonds in order to create efficient UV-range photodetectors, to develop a model of the device and to give recommendations for developing a prototype. Since December 1999 he has been working in the administration of the Belarusian State University: the head of the department of research, deputy. The head of the department for training highly qualified personnel, the scientific secretary, the head of the department for training highly qualified personnel. On a voluntary basis, he heads the Republican Methodical and Information and Analytical Center of NIRS (since September 2006). He was the scientific leader of nine projects aimed at ensuring the activities of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus: 1. Development of new methods for increasing the effectiveness of research work in the conditions of BSU 2. Develop a model, conduct a test approbation and introduce electronic information resources for the republican system of accounting, analysis and implementation of proposals contained in graduate projects and scientific works of students. To develop a specialized reference and methodical manual 3. To develop an effective mechanism for the transfer of scientific and technical works of students and young scientists 4. Development of an electronic information resource and a program-methodical complex for assessing the effectiveness of youth science and marketing research of students, facilitating the training of highly qualified scientific personnel, monitoring, attracting and retaining young scientists in the system of higher education of the Republic of Belarus. 5. Develop and implement comprehensive electronic resources for the annual republican scientific conference of students and graduate students and the annual Republican contest for the appointment of scholarships to the President of the Republic of Belarus by talented young scientists 6. To develop a concept, normative-legal and program-methodical support of the republican system of scientific and technical creativity of young people, which contributes to improving the quality of training highly qualified specialists and highly qualified personnel. 7. Development and creation of a database on the development of student science in the Republic of Belarus (on the example of BSU). 8. Develop and implement an information and analytical system for conducting republican competitions of scientific works of students of Belarusian universities, including a site, a database, automated decision-making systems and the formation of documents 9. Conduct analysis and systematization of normative and methodological materials and recommendations of Belarusian universities on integration with the educational process and organizational forms of the SRWS for inclusion in the general collection of normative and methodological documents on the organization of SRWS in higher education. Develop a draft Regulation on SRWS. To develop the concept of the information and analytical database on SRWS, coordinated with the R & D base of the higher educational institutions of the Scientific Center of Research and Development and taking into account the possibility of making managerial decisions. For his labor activity he was awarded a diploma (2001) and a diploma of BSU (2010), a diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (2006), a prize and a certificate of a special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the social support of gifted students and students for their personal contribution to development Abilities of talented youth (2008). Over the past five years, his effective activity is personally noted by the leadership of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (3-4 letters per year).