Zabta Khan Shinwari

Quaid-i-Azam University

Professor Biochemistry

Zabta Khan Shinwari currently holds as a Professor in Department of BIO Technology at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. His research focus mainly on Molecular Systematics; Applied Ethnobotany; Dual Use Education.

Research Intrest

Molecular Systematics; Applied Ethnobotany; Dual Use Education.

List of Publications
Shinwari, Z.K.; R. Terauchi and S. Kawano 1994 Phylogenetic relationships among genera in the Liliaceae-Asparagoideae-Polygonatae sensu lato inferred from rbcL gene sequence data. PI. Systematic & Evolution 192: 263-277.
Shinwari, Z.K.; R. Terauchi; F.H. Utech and S. Kawano 1994 Recognition of the New World Disporum Section Prosartes as Prosartes (Liliaceae) based on the sequence data of the rbcL gene. Taxon 43(3): 353-366.
Shinwari, Z.K.; R. Terauchi and S. Kawano 1994 Molecular Systematics of Liliaceae-Asparagoideae-Polygonatae. 1. RFLP analysis of cpDNA in several species of Asiatic Disporum species. Plant Species Bio. 9: 11-18.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry