Yu-Ling Tseng

Associate Professor
Applied Mathematics
National Dong Hwa University

Professor Mathematics

Yu-Ling Tseng is aan Associate Professor. He teaches Applied Mathematics in the National Doga University and he did his Ph.D. in Statistics, Cornell University, USA.

Research Intrest

Mathematical statistics, set estimation, empirical Bayesian methods

List of Publications
Ling-Lien Su and Yu-Ling Tseng (June, 2006). Simulated comparison on some predictors for binary sequences: to randomize or not to randomize? Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association. (EconLit, CIS)
C. Andy Tsao and Yu-Ling Tseng (2006). Confidence estimation for tolerance intervals. To appear (Dec. 2006) in The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. (SCI)
Yu-Ling Tseng and Shao-Wei Wu (2007). Ranked-set-sample-based tests for normal and exponential means. Communication in Statistics: Simulation and Computation. Vol. 36, Issue 4(SCI)