Yuan-Ron Ma

National Dong Hwa University

Professor Physics

He received his PhD degree in Physics from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, in 1998, and joined the Academia Sinica, Taiwan, for a postdoctoral fellowship in the same year. Currently, he is a Professor and an excellent research fellow at the National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan.

Research Intrest

nanoscience and nanotechnology, and can synthesize zero-dimensional (0D), one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures using various deposition techniques in low or high vacuum chambers.

List of Publications
“Atomically smooth hybrid crystalline-core glass-clad fibers for low-loss broadband wave guiding” C.-C. Lai, C.-Y. Lo, D. H. Nguyen, J.-Z. Huang, W.-S. Tsai, Y.-R. Ma (2016) Opt. Express 24, 20089-20106. DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.020089
“Ligand-driven and full-color-tunable fiber source: toward next-generation clinic fiber-endoscope tomography with cellular resolution” C.-C. Lai, C.-Y. Lo, T.-H. Hsieh, W.-S. Tsai, D. H. Nguyen, Y.-R. Ma (2016) ACS Omega 1, 552-565.
“Impact of cuticle photoluminescence on the color morphism of a male damselfly Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur, 1842)” C.-J. Chuang*, C.-D. Liu, R. A. Patil, C.-C. Wu, Y.-C. Chang, C.-W. Peng, T.-K. Chao, J.-W. Liou, Y. Liou, Y.-R. Ma* (2016) Sci. Rep. 6, 38051