Yang yong

College of Life Information and Instrument Engineering
Hangzhou Dianzi University

Professor Engineering

Yang Yong, doctor, professor, master tutor. Mainly engaged in the field of research: neural information and neural engineering, medical equipment and image processing. Involving the brain information processing mechanism, the early diagnosis of major brain disease technology, medical equipment design and development, high-voltage pulse electric field sterilization technology. Presided over and participated in the completion of the national science and technology support project topics, the National Natural Science Foundation, the National 863 program sub-topics, the provincial major science and technology projects and other projects more than ten items; access to science and technology award in Zhejiang Province; invention patent 5; "Scientific Reports" "Journal of Biomedical Optics" "Chinese Science" and other famous journals published at home and abroad SCI published more than 10 papers; participate in the publication of two monographs, including a foreign monograph. China is now a member of the Society of Neuroscience, China Biomedical Engineering Society, Zhejiang Province, Deputy Secretary-General of Innovative Medical Devices Alliance.

Research Intrest

Neural information, neural engineering,medical equipment and image processing.

Global Scientific Words in Engineering