Xue Lingyun

College of Life Information and Instrument Engineering
Hangzhou Dianzi University

Professor Engineering

Xue Lingyun, Professor, Detection Technology and Automation Device Professional, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems Professional Master Instructor. Mainly engaged in automatic control and detection, embedded systems and other aspects of the application of research, intelligent information processing, image analysis and other theoretical research, as well as computer theory, sensors, detection technology and intelligent information processing and other teaching work. In recent years, as the project leader presided over: Provincial Science and Technology Department plan on the key project - LED chip online rapid test sorting system development. As a backbone involved: Zhejiang Province major science and technology special - solar cell rapid test sorting system development; Zhejiang Province science and technology key project - based on embedded field bus technology of flat knitting machine control system development. In addition, in cooperation with the relevant enterprises, the development of intelligent controller based on embedded technology, the development of tag automatic detection / sorting system, the development of monitoring and control system of river flood control and water level control, the development and production of temperature monitoring system for bar and high line production line Process digital monitoring system development and other horizontal research projects, and achieved good economic and social benefits. In the international and domestic academic conference, the domestic level journals and core journals published more than 20 papers, by EI, ISTP search papers 6. As a deputy editor of a textbook.

Research Intrest

Detection Technology and solar cell rapid test sorting system development.

Global Scientific Words in Engineering