Xu Ying

College of Life Information and Instrument Engineering
Hangzhou Dianzi University

Professor Engineering

Xu Ying, female, Zhejiang University biomedical engineering doctorate, associate professor, master tutor. Academic service / social service: the current Hangzhou Electronic Science and Technology College students Institute of measurement measurement and instrumentation, deputy director. Main research direction: engaged in the direction of scientific research mainly includes a variety of sensor microchip simulation, design and overall hardware platform structures, post-signal analysis work, focusing on the specific performance of the sensor and the biological organization of the organic combination of the relevant research and Level signal processing analysis process. At present, the main research contents include vertical and horizontal topics such as bioelectronics platform construction, sensor model simulation and rapid detection of food safety indicators. The cross research direction includes life science, instrument manufacturing and information science. In 2009 presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of a youth fund in recent years in the international and domestic academic conferences, domestic journals and core journals published more than 20 papers, apply for and authorize three patents. Host / Participate in vertical research projects: National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund and other national issues 1. Host / Participate in the horizontal subject: with Ningbo Eglin company and other enterprises host and cooperation issues 4. Guide students: Since 2007, a total of 5 graduate students and 50 undergraduates are trained and instructed. Published papers: In recent years in the international and domestic academic conferences, domestic journals and core journals published more than 20 papers.

Research Intrest

Bioelectronics platform construction, sensor model simulation and rapid detection of food safety indicators.

Global Scientific Words in Engineering