Ulrich Müller represents Protohistoric Archaeology, Medieval Archaeology and Post-Medieval Archaeology in Kiel as a part of “Historic Archaeology”. After initially having studied Chemistry, I moved on to Pre- and Protohistory, Medieval and Post-Medieval History as well as Geography in Kiel, Mainz and Constance. After completing my PhD in Kiel in 1992, I went on to work at the “care for archaeological monuments” in Lübeck. Between 1994 and 2000 I was academic assistant at the Ernst-Moritz Arndt University in Greifswald. There I obtained my habilitation and received the venia legendi for “Pre- ad Protohistory and Medieval Archaeology”. Doctoral thesis (Kiel 1992): Holzfunde aus Freiburg-Augustinereremitenkloster und Konstanz. Herstellung und Funktion einer Materialgruppe aus dem späten Mittelalter. Forschungen und Berichte zur Archäologie des Mittelalters in Baden-Württemberg 21 (Stuttgart 1996) Habilitation dissertation (Greifswald 2000): Zwischen Gebrauch und Bedeutung. Studien zur Funktion von Sachkultur am Beispiel mittelalterlichen Handwaschgeschirrs (5./6. bis 15./16. Jh.). Beiheft der Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters 20 (Bonn 2006) In 2001 I substituted for the Faculty Chair of Heiko Steuer in Freiburg; in the years 2001-2003 I was employed in Greifswald as scientific collaborator in the DFG project “Innovation and professionalisation of medieval tools” (lead by Christian Lübke, Leipzig). 2004 I was appointed to the professorship for Pre-and Protohistory in the succession of Michael Müller-Wille. 2011 the denomination was changed with the focus on Protohistory, Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology.
In Kiel, Historic archaeology focuses on the Middle Ages and Post-Medieval period in Europe. The teaching and training works within the time-frame of the first century AC up until the present (“contemporary archaeology”). Research is focused on the time between the High Middle Ages and the Early Post-Medieval period. The North as well as the East Central European regions are the main focus of various projects.