Wolf Ulrich Müller

The Future Ocean


Ulrich Müller represents Protohistoric Archaeology, Medieval Archaeology and Post-Medieval Archaeology in Kiel as a part of “Historic Archaeology”. After initially having studied Chemistry, I moved on to Pre- and Protohistory, Medieval and Post-Medieval History as well as Geography in Kiel, Mainz and Constance. After completing my PhD in Kiel in 1992, I went on to work at the “care for archaeological monuments” in Lübeck. Between 1994 and 2000 I was academic assistant at the Ernst-Moritz Arndt University in Greifswald. There I obtained my habilitation and received the venia legendi for “Pre- ad Protohistory and Medieval Archaeology”. Doctoral thesis (Kiel 1992): Holzfunde aus Freiburg-Augustinereremitenkloster und Konstanz. Herstellung und Funktion einer Materialgruppe aus dem späten Mittelalter. Forschungen und Berichte zur Archäologie des Mittelalters in Baden-Württemberg 21 (Stuttgart 1996) Habilitation dissertation (Greifswald 2000): Zwischen Gebrauch und Bedeutung. Studien zur Funktion von Sachkultur am Beispiel mittelalterlichen Handwaschgeschirrs (5./6. bis 15./16. Jh.). Beiheft der Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters 20 (Bonn 2006) In 2001 I substituted for the Faculty Chair of Heiko Steuer in Freiburg; in the years 2001-2003 I was employed in Greifswald as scientific collaborator in the DFG project “Innovation and professionalisation of medieval tools” (lead by Christian Lübke, Leipzig). 2004 I was appointed to the professorship for Pre-and Protohistory in the succession of Michael Müller-Wille. 2011 the denomination was changed with the focus on Protohistory, Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology.

Research Intrest

In Kiel, Historic archaeology focuses on the Middle Ages and Post-Medieval period in Europe. The teaching and training works within the time-frame of the first century AC up until the present (“contemporary archaeology”). Research is focused on the time between the High Middle Ages and the Early Post-Medieval period. The North as well as the East Central European regions are the main focus of various projects.

List of Publications
in collaboration with Alfred Falk und Manfred Schneider (Hrsg.), Lübeck und der Hanseraum: Beiträge zu Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte. Festschrift für Manfred Gläser (Lübeck 2014).
Strukturen und Akteure: ein Blick aus der ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie. Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik 2014, 573-575.
in collaboration with U. Ickerodt, Archäologie und der moderne Prometheus – Zwischen wissenschaftlicher Freiheit und Verantwortung.
Network of the Centres – Centres of the networks? The Relations between “Hanseatic” Medieval Towns and their Surroundings/Hinterlands. In: A. Wilkin u.a. (ed.), Town and Periphery (London).
Doppelstädte. In: I. Balkes-Vogt/O. Nakoinz (Hrsg.), Doppelburgen - Doppelzentren. eTOPOI
Der Stand der archäologischen Burgenforschung in Schleswig-Holstein. In: O. Auge (Hrsg.), Vergessenes Burgenland Schleswig-Holstein.
in collaboration with F. Rösch und W. Dörfler, Die Möweninsel. Ein zentraler Platz vor den Toren eines zentralen Ortes.