William J Davis

Assistant Professor of Science and Technology Stu
Department of Health
California Northstate University
United States of America

Professor Healthcare

William Davis received his first degrees in literature, but his interest in philosophy of technology led him to pursue his doctorate from Virginia Tech in Science and Technology Studies (STS). Dr. Davis's work focuses on speculative ethics of emerging technologies, object-oriented ontology, bioethics, as well as post- and transhumanism. His dissertation elaborates what he describes as an "un-disciplined" philosophy of technology that is accessible to more than a small cadre of academic philosophers and is responsive to the increasing complexity and diversity of human-technology relationships. Dr. Davis teaches courses in philosophy (PHIL 310), communication (COMM 110), humanities (HUMN 210), and sociology (SOCL 410). He also coordinates pedagogical training for peer-assistant tutors (COL 590), and leads COLL 510 and 520, the Health Professions Seminar series. His current interests and work involve incorporating social epistemology into an undergraduate health sciences curriculum. In terms of research, he investigates the philosophical and social implications of emerging health science and technology. He is developing projects that invite CHS students to contribute their ideas and perspectives through various media including written formats, audio podcasts, and video.

Research Intrest
