WenYong Chen

Associate Professor
Beckman Research Institute
United States of America

Professor Oncology

Dr. Chen's lab deciphers roles and functions of epigenetic regulators and determines their differential contribution to cancer and longevity, and through which, to develop approaches to improve cancer treatment, reduce cancer risk and promote healthy aging.

Research Intrest

Epigenetics, Cancer and Aging

List of Publications
Li L, Osdal T, Ho Y, Chun S, McDonald T, Agarwal P, Lin A, Chu S, Qi J, Li L, Hsieh YT. SIRT1 activation by a c-MYC oncogenic network promotes the maintenance and drug resistance of human FLT3-ITD acute Myeloid Leukemia stem cells. Cell stem cell. 2014 Oct 2;15(4):431-46.
Tseng RC, Wang YC. SIRT1 (sirtuin (silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog) 1 (S. cerevisiae)).
Wang Z, Chen CC, Chen W. CD150− side population defines leukemia stem cells in a BALB/C mouse model of CML and is depleted by genetic loss of SIRT1. Stem Cells. 2015 Dec 1;33(12):3437-51.