Wendy Billock

Associate Professor
Biola University
United States of America


After working five years in biotechnology, Wendy spent ten years as an outdoor education instructor and administrator at a Christian camp in San Diego. She received her M.S. in biology from the Institute for Creation Research, and recently, her Ph.D. from Loma Linda University. Her research in behavioral ecology has included work with both primates and hermit crabs. She has spoken at international marine biology conferences and published articles on hermit crab behavior. Wendy also co-authored a marine biology book for elementary school children in Fiji. She serves the Christian community in a variety of areas, including: children’s ministry; church website development; worship team audio-visual support; and short-term missions trips. Wendy also serves on the board of a prison ministry that helps parolees transition to a productive life through mentorship.

Research Intrest

Marine ecosystems, Animal behavior

List of Publications
Billock, W. L. and Dunbar, S. G. 2008. Influence of motivation on behaviour in the hermit crab, Pagurus samuelis. J. Mar. Bio. Assoc. of the U. K vol. 89, pp 775-779, 2008.
Billock, W. L., and Dunbar, S.G. Shell and food acquisition behaviors: Evidence for Contextual Decision Hierarchies in hermit crabs. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.vol. 398, pp 26-32, 2011.
Dunbar, S.G. and Billock, W.B. (Eds.) These Are My Oceans: Now and For the Future. Produced by the Yaqara Bay Biodiversity Inventory Project. 36

Global Scientific Words in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology