Wasim Ahmad

Quaid-i-Azam University

Professor Biochemistry

Wasim Ahmad obtained his Ph.D. from University of Swansea (Wales), U.K. He currently holds as an Associate Professor in Department of Biochemistry at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. His Research interest follows Regulation of cytokines expression in the human vascular tissue; the role of inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, Cytokines Gene polymorphism in relation to cardiovascular disease, Local drug delivery using drug-eluting stents to limit restenosis in coronary artery; a promising alternative to by-pass surgery in patients suffering from coronary heart disease,Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic cells; Role of messenger ribonucleic proteins in the regulation of gene expression. Regulation of the matricellular proteins during pathological changes in the heart disease patients.

Research Intrest

Regulation of cytokines expression, Cytokines Gene polymorphism, Local drug delivery, Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic cells, Regulation of the matricellular proteins,

List of Publications
Swanson N, Javed Q, Hogrefe K and Gershlick A. Human internal mammary artery organ culture model of coronary stenting? A novel investigation of smooth muscle cell response to drug-eluting stents. Clinical Science 2002;103(4):347-353.
Swanson N, Hogrefe K, Javed Q, Gershlick AH. In vitro evaluation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-eluting stents. International Journal of Cardiology 2003 Dec;92(2-3):247-251.
Hussain S, Asghar M and Javed Q. Resistin gene promoter region polymorphism and the risk of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in patients. Translational Research 2010;155(3):142-147.  

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry