Wang Zhenyi

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Professor Haematology

Professor Wang Zhenyi, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, winner of the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award. He is currently tenured professor at Medical School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and serves as honorary director of Shanghai Haematology Research Center. At the ceremony of the 115th anniversary of SJTU held on April 9, Professor Wang received the SJTU Distinguished Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award. Many admire the "the icebreaker in thrombus and haemostasis" for his honors and achievements, but few see the difficulties he went through on the road to success. As a doctor motivated by medical ethics, Academician Wang Zhenyi has saved countless lives; as a scientist, he put the theory of inducing differentiation into practice successfully and made a series of achievements in scientific research with international influence; as an educator, he has nurtured numerous outstanding professionals in hematology and made great contributions to the world's medical development. Motivated by great ambitions, Professor Wang has won many honors, but he still lives a simple life and keeps indifferent to fame and wealth. We're honored to invite Academician Wang Zhenyi to talk with us face-to-face at the Inspiration Forum on April 13 when he will share his life experiences with us.

Research Intrest

Professor Wang Zhenyi has been engaged in the teaching and research work of internal medicine and haematology surgery for 45 years. He has been successively engaged in teaching at Foundation of Internal Medicine, General Internal Medicine, Haematology, Pathophysiology etc., and has supervised 11 Ph D candidates and 43 M.A. candidates. He began his research on hemorrhage diseases in 1954, and reported for the first time in China the methods of dealing with haemophilia. He was the first to find in the 1950s the effect that the front part of fresh Cattail Pollen (Pu Huang), a Chinese traditional medical term, had on the formation of atherosclerotic plaque of artery in experimental rabbits. The research was intermitted for some reason till mid-1980s, and then in cooperation with Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , he, together with his team, separated four useful compositions from cattail pollen, ascertained their chemical results, and elucidated their effects on preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaque of artery, which brought him the honor of the second prize of the Scientific Development Award by the State Educational Committee. Under his leadership, the research group, for the first time in China, purified the vWF in mid-1980s, established methods of detecting the antigen and function of vWF, and ways of checking Haemophilia-A carriers, thus was awarded for two times the second prize of scientific research by Health Ministry. Also for the first time in China, the research group purified and tested Protein-C and Protein-S, β- thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4, and discovered and reported Protein-S deficiency disease. The research on separating, purifying, and preparing antiserum of platelet protein, and on immunoradiometric assay earned for him and his team Technological Achievement Award from Shanghai Second Medical University in 1985. The study of inducing differentiation therapy with All Trans Retinoic Acid (ATRA) in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) won the third prize of the Scientific Development Award from Health Ministry in 1989 and the Excellence Prize at the First Shanghai Exposition of Science and Technology in 1991. The project gained the third prize of the Sixth National Award for Natural Sciences and the second prize of Scientific Development Award from the State Educational Committee in 1993. The project of Molecular study on human leukemias and their clinical application won the second prize of the National Scientific Development Award in 1995 and the second prize of Scientific Development Award from the State Educational Committee in 1995. His study of PHI Chromosome related Leukemias Cells and Molecular Biology won the first prize of Shanghai Scientific Development Award in 1994 and the first prize of Scientific Development Award from the State Educational Committee in 1995.