Wang Junjian

Assistant Professor
Environmental Science
South University of Science and Technology of China


He received his Ph.D. in Plant and Environmental Sciences from Clemson University in the United States in 2015 and a two-year postdoctoral fellow in the field of environmental chemistry at the University of Toronto's Environmental Nuclear Resonance Center. Is committed to the development and application of cutting-edge, molecular level of natural organic matter and pollutant analysis of chemical means to study the global changes or human disturbance on the water and soil environmental quality impact mechanism. Participated in a number of US, Canada, China and other national research projects, made a series of innovative achievements. In the Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, New Phytologist and other environmental ecology SCI journals published more than 20 papers, monographs chapter 1, long served as a number of international journals reviewers. Warmly welcome interested in doing the relevant research young talent through the delivery, apply, visit graduate students or apply for postdoctoral form to join the task group.

Research Intrest

1) the development and application of natural organic matter analysis technology; 2) the impact of urbanization on water quality and soil environmental quality mechanism; 3) nitrogen deposition on the impact of water and soil environmental quality mechanism.

List of Publications
Kong DL, Wang JJ, Zeng H, Liu MZ, Miao Y, et al. (2017) The nutrient absorption-transportation hypothesis structural structural traits in absorptive roots. New Phytologist 213: 1569-1572.
Zhang D, Wang JJ, Ni HG, Zeng H, (2017) Spatial-temporal and Multi-media variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a highly urbanized river system in Shenzhen South China. Science of the Total Environment pp: 581-582.
Wang JJ, Pisani O, Lin LH, Lun OOY, Lajtha K, et al. (2017) Long-term litter manipulation alters soil organic fat turnover A temperate deciduous forest. Science of the Total Environment.