Walter Henne

Associate Professor
Division of Chemistry and Biological Sciences, bio-analytica
Governors State University
United States of America


Dr. Walter Henne main focus is on bio-analytical and chemical biology. During his Post-Doctoral Research Associate/Fellow, Hartwell Center, St. Jude Children’s Research, he was In charge and set-up: Bruker Ultraflex III MALDI-MS and Image Prep matrix application device for MALDI-MS based imaging of brain, nervous tissue and tumor biopsies. Prior at Purdue University he Created a series of folate targeted optical imaging agents for both in vitro and in vivo applications and designed folate targeted therapeutics for the targeting of activated macrophages and cancer cells.

Research Intrest

His research interests center around the use of low molecular weight, high affinity ligands/probes for the development of targeted drug therapies and medical diagnostic assays. Areas span infectious disease, cancer and inflammatory disorders. His labs are full of gadgets and every research tool imaginable for students to use. They strive to have a lot of fun while saving the world! Research and course students have been highly successful under his mentorship including acceptance into top ranked doctoral, medical, dental, physician's assistant, veterinary medicine programs and are leaders in local and international companies.

List of Publications
Low PS, He W, Henne WA, Doorneweerd DD, Cheng JX (2014) Multiphoton in vivo flow cytometry method and device. US Patent 8: 633-795. Henne WA, Kularatne SA, Hakenjos J, Carron JD, Henne KL (2013) Synthesis and activity of a folate targeted monodisperse PEG camptothecin conjugate. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 23: 5810-5813. Henne WA, Rothenbuhler R, Ayala-Lopez W, Xia W, Varghese B, et al. (2012) Imaging sites of infection using a 99mTc-labeled folate conjugate targeted to folate receptor positive macrophages. Mol Pharm 9: 1435-1440.