Katz, B.G., McBride, W.S., Crandall, C.A., and Eberts, S.M., 2007, Using isotopic and other chemical tracers to assess age distribution and contaminant movement in ground water in the contributing recharge area to a public supply well., [abs.]: 2007 GSA Denver Annual Meeting, October 28-31, 2007, Denver, Colorado.
Katz, B.G., Crandall, C.A., Metz, P.A., McBride, W.S., and Berndt, M.P., 2007, Chemical characteristics, water sources and pathways, and age distribution of ground water in the contributing recharge area of a public-supply well near Tampa, Florida, 2002-05: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5139, 83 p.
Katz, B.G., Crandall, C.A., McBride, W.S., and Berndt, M.P., 2006, Use of multiple tracers and geochemical modeling to assess vulnerability of a public supply well in the karstic Upper Floridan aquifer, [abs.]: 2006 National Monitoring Conference: Concurrent Session F: F3-Assessing Ground Water Vulnerability Through Mechanistic Methods II, May 7-11, 2006, San Jose, California.