W. Brian O Connor

Emeritus Professor
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
United States of America

Professor Biochemistry

The mutations we are working on were identified in a screen that assays the proper function of the tactile sensory-CNS motor circuitry required for the leg movements performed during grooming behavior. Mutations that disrupt behavior have also been assayed for their effect on the anatomy and physiology of identified neurons. One of the mutations we have identified, called midline-uncoordinated (muc), alters the axonal projections of an identified sensory neuron in adults. These animals also have interesting behavior: defects involving bilateral leg rubbing and abnormal reflexes to stimulation of individual sensory neurons. We are further describing the defects in neural `wiring' in muc and have initiated a molecular analysis of the gene. Many of the mutations we have isolated, including muc, were induced by single P element insertion mutagenesis.

Research Intrest

Cell Division and Cytoskeleton

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry