Vilceu Bordignon

Associate Professor
Animal Science
McGill University

Professor Nutrition

Vilceu Bordignon obtained his PhD in 1999 and postdoctoral training in 2002 in biomedical sciences at the University of Montreal, following his DVM and MSc in veterinary sciences in Brazil. He joined McGill’s Department of Animal Science in July 2002. His is the Director of the McGill Large Animal Research Unit. His lab produced the first cloned and transgenic pigs in Canada by somatic cell nuclear transfer. His current research program in reproductive biology and animal biotechnology is: i) investigating how early stage embryos deal with stressful conditions by regulating coping mechanisms that allow them to survive without passing on altered or damaged genomes that threaten development and later life; ii) studying how cell reprogramming is regulated in embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer; and iii) using genome editing tools (CRISPR/Cas system) along with in vitro embryo technologies and somatic cell nuclear transfer to create gene edited embryos and live pigs to study development, metabolism and pathophysiology mechanisms.

Research Intrest

Somatic cell reprogramming Oocyte and embryo developmen t Nuclear transfer and animal cloning Creation of swine models for biomedical research

List of Publications
Biofilm is a Major Virulence Determinant in Bacterial Colonization of Chronic Skin Ulcers Independently from the Multidrug Resistant Phenotype. Di Domenico EG1, Farulla I2, Prignano G3, Gallo MT4, Vespaziani M5, Cavallo I6, Sperduti I7, Pontone M8, Bordignon V9, Cilli L10, De Santis A11, Di Salvo F12, Pimpinelli F13, Lesnoni La Parola I14, Toma L15, Ensoli F16.
Acetylation and methylation profiles of H3K27 in porcine embryos cultured in vitro. Marinho LSR1, Rissi VB2, Lindquist AG1, Seneda MM1, Bordignon V3.
Reversible meiotic arrest of bovine oocytes by EGFR inhibition and follicular hemisections. da Rosa PRA1, De Cesaro MP2, Pereira Dau AM2, Duggavathi R3, Bordignon V4, Gonçalves PBD5.