Vijay Krishna

Assistant Staff
Biomedical Engineering
Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute
United States of America

Professor Medicine

Vijay's focus is on leveraging nanotechnology for developing novel and safe theranostic and preventative agents.

Research Intrest

Vijay's focus is on leveraging nanotechnology for developing novel and safe theranostic and preventative agents.

List of Publications
Georgieva A, Pappu V, Krishna V, Georgiev P, Ghiviriga I, Indeglia P, Xu X, Fan H, Koopman B, et al. (2013) Polyhydroxy fullerenes,” Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15 (7), 1–18.
Indeglia P, Krishna V, GeorgievaA, BonzongoJC (2013) Mechanical transformation of fullerene (C60) to aqueous nano-C60 (aqu-nC60) in the presence and absence of light,” Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15 (11), 1–6.
Indeglia P, Georgieva A, Krishna V, Bonzongo J (2014) Physicochemical characterization of fullerenol and fullerenol synthesis by-products prepared in alkaline media,” Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 16:2599, 1–15.