Velando A

Animal Ecology Group
Universidad de Vigo


Aim to understand how natural selection shapes the life history and behaviour of wild animal populations. Our work focuses mainly on seabirds (shags, boobies, gulls, shearwaters, guillemots, etc) living in islands but has also involved studies on fishes and other vertebrate species. We are also interested in wildlife conservation and the consequences of human actions for the diversity (see our research on the effects of the Prestige oil spill

Research Intrest

Gene expression and the evolution of complex phenotypes Senescence in wild animals Social evolution and family coadaptation Seabird conservation  

List of Publications
Velando A, Moran P, Romero R, Fernandez J, Piorno V. 2017. Invasion and eradication of the American mink in the Atlantic Islands National Park (NW Spain): A retrospective analysis. Biological Invasions 19, 1227–1241
Noguera JC. 2017. Interacting effects of early dietary conditions and reproductive effort on the oxidative costs of reproduction. PeerJ 5, e3094
Díaz-Real J, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2017. Plumage colour and the expression of stress-related genes in gull chicks. Journal Avian Biology [In Press]
Kim, S-Y, Costa MM, Esteve-Codina, A, Velando A. 2017. Transcriptional mechanisms underlying life-history responses to climate change in the three-spined stickleback. Evolutionary Applications [In Press]
Noguera JC., Kim, S-Y, Velando A. 2017. Family-transmitted stress in a wild bird. PNAS

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture