Vassil G. Golemansky

Academician DSc
Animal Diversity and Resources
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Professor Pathology

 Curriculum vitae Date of birth: 26 December 1933 Education: 1957 — MS, Faculty of Biology — University of Sofia 1971 — Associate Professor of Protozoology 1980 — Doctor of Sciences in Zoology 1982 — Professor of Zoology — BAS 1986 — Professor of Zoology — University of Sofia 1997 — Corr. member of BAS 2003 — Member of BAS Employment: 1967—1972 — Secretary scientific of the Institute of zoology — BAS 1972—1982 — Vice director of the Institute of zoology — BAS 1988—2003 — Director of the Institute of zoology — BAS 1996—2003 — Head of the Department of Protozoology Member of Editorial Boards: - International: Acta Protozoologica (Warszawa), Archives of Biological Sciences (Beograd); - National: Acta Zoologica Bulgarica (Editor-in-Chief), Red Book of Republic of Bulgaria — second edition (Editor-in-Chief), Fauna of Bulgaria (vols 16—28), Bulgarian Antarctic Research (vols 1—6), Proceedings of BAS, Acta Pathologica and Parasitologica, Parasitological dictionary, Forest Science etc. Publications, books (author and co-author): Moore than 180 scientific publications in Bulgarian and International Journals (See selected list). Student Books: Protozoology (1990, 1996); Zoology of Invertebrates (1998, 202, 2003), Zoology and Conservation of Animals (2002), Practicum on Laboratory and Field Invertebrate Zoology (2006) etc. Popular Books: Eminent Bulgarian Zoologists (1997), Biggest zoological discoveries of 20-th Century (2000), Invasive Animals (2003), Creators of the Bulgarian zoology (2010) etc. Scientific and Documentary films: Animals in a drop of water (1961), An uncommon life (1969), Thermites (1974), The home and the snake (1974), Animalcula (1988) etc. Affiliation Department Animal Diversity and Resources Division Biodiversity and Ecology of Invertebrates Research group Protozoology History Member for 4 years 11 weeks  

Research Intrest

-Taxonomy, morphology, ultrastructure, biology and ecology of freshwater and marine testate amoebae and monothalamous foraminifera - Protozoan parasites and pathogens (Gregarinida, Coccidia) of animals

List of Publications
Affiliation Department Animal Diversity and Resources Division Biodiversity and Ecology of Invertebrates Research group Protozoology History Member for 4 years 11 weeks