
Graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named. after Mukimi on specialty "Pedagogics and Psychology". Upon graduation he worked at the department of "General Pedagogics" teaching on subjects such as "Education", "History of Education". In 1988 he was sent to Moscow for training in the Institute of General and Educational Psychology. After graduating from training courses for trainees and researchers entered internal target graduate (1990). In 1993 defended thesis on a specialty 19.00.07 - "Developmental and pedagogical psychology." After finishing graduate school worked KSPI named. after Mukimi at the Department of "Psychology". From 1997-2000 . served as chief of the "implementation of international law into national law" in the Oliy Majlis. In 2000 was hired at the Department of "Psychology and Sociology" at UWED, an assistant professor. Now I work at the Department of "Social sciences and Humanities".

Research Intrest

Social activity of youth, creative _transforming the potential of the individual, alternative forms of youth initiatives, the political consciousness of young people.

List of Publications
Формирование социальной активности молодежи в условиях поиска альтернативных видов деятельности. Научно-теоретический жур. “Международные отношения” № 4. 2013.
Психологические основы политической активности молодежи Узбекистана. Матер. междун науч-прак. конфер. «Современное общество в условиях глобального вызова: преобразования и перспективы развития» Тольятти-Москва, 2012.
Стремление к собственной значимости и самооценке как психологический фактор роста творческого потенциала (на примере молодежи Узбекистана)/«Мир психологии». –М., 2010.