Una D McCann

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University
United States of America

Professor Psychiatry

My two active areas of research are in the areas of amphetamine-induced monoamine neurotoxicity (i.e., MDMA, Methamphetamine, ephedrine or amphetamine-induced monoaminergic neurotoxicity), and the neurobiology of anxiety disorders. Methods used in both research spheres include neuropharmacology, PET, MRI, fMRI, polysomnography, pharmacological challenge, and neuropsychiatric assessment. Studies of amphetamine neurotoxicity also include preclinical studies using microarrays, cell culture, rodents and primates.

Research Intrest

Research are in the areas of amphetamine-induced monoamine neurotoxicity and the neurobiology of anxiety disorders

List of Publications
Geraci M, Anderson TS, Slate-Cothren S, Post RM, McCann UD. Pentagastrin-induced sleep panic attacks: Panic in the absence of elevated baseline arousal. Biological Psychiatry, 2002;52(12):1183-9.
McCann UD, Slate SO, Geraci M, Roscow-Terrill D, and Uhde TW. A comparison of the effects of intravenous pentagastrin in patients with social phobia, panic disorder, and healthy volunteers, Neuropsychopharmacology, 1997;16(3):229-237.
McCann UD, Mertl MM, Eligulashvili V, Ricaurte GA. Cognitive performance in () 3,4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "ecstasy") users: A controlled study, Psychopharmacology, 1999; 143:417-425
McCann UD, Wong DF, Villemagne V, Dannals RF, Ricaurte GA. Brain dopamine neurotoxicity in abstinent methamphetamine and methcathinone users: Evidence from PET studies with [11C]WIN- 35,428, Journal of Neuroscience 1998;18(20):8417-8422
McCann UD, Szabo Z, Scheffel U, Matthews WB, Dannals RF, Ravert HT, Musachio JL, Mertl MM, Ricaurte GA. Positron Emission Tomographic evidence of toxic effect of MDMA (AEcstasy@) on brain serotonin neurons in humans beings, The Lancet, 1998; 352:1433-1437.