Ulf Svanberg

Biology and Biological Engineering, Food and Nutrition Scien
Chalmers University of Technology

Professor Food and Nutrition

Professor Ulf Svanberg leads research projects addressing vitamin A and iron deficiency anaemia in low-income countries. He has ongoing and long-term cooperation with countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique, and the research is carried out mainly with support from Sida. The aim is to increase the bioavailability of iron in cereal-based supplementary foods for children and to generate knowledge about how provitamin A in vegetables, fruits and orange-fleshed sweet potato can support an adequate vitamin A status of children and women. Additional projects aim to efficiently utilize indigenous foods in order improve the nutritional content of ready-to-eat foods and to utilize and develop traditional food fermentation methods.

Research Intrest

Biology and Biological Engineering, Food and Nutrition Science

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition