Ulf Klein

Associate Professor
Pathology and Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Haematology

Ulf Klein, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, areas of interest research humoral immune response is the clonal selection of memory B cells and plasma cells that bind to their specific antigen with high-affinity, thus establishing life-long immunity to pathogens.

Research Intrest

B-cell lymphomagenesis, Germinal center reaction, B-cell development

List of Publications
De Silva NS, Silva K, Anderson MM, Bhagat G, Klein U, et al.(2016)Impairment of Mature B Cell Maintenance upon Combined Deletion of the Alternative NF-κB Transcription Factors RELB and NF-κB2 in B Cells J Immunol 196:2591-2601
Adams WC, Chen YH, Kratchmarov R, Yen B, Nish SA, et al.(2016) Anabolism-Associated Mitochondrial Stasis Driving Lymphocyte Differentiation over Self-Renewal.Cell Rep 17:3142-3152
Klein U(2016)Closing the Gap to Medicine: Calls for Ranking Pediatric Dentistry Residency Programs in the U.S. Pediatr Dent 38:362-363.