Extraordinary Lecturer
Department of Economics
University of Pretoria
South Africa


"He is a double PhD in Economics (2008) and in Sociology (2011) from University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY and University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC respectively. He is working as Extraordinary Lecturer in Department of Economics, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa since 2012. "

Research Intrest

His research intrest is on Behavioral Microeconomics and Finance, Bargaining and Game Theory, Experimental Economics, Mathematical and Agent Based Economics, Microeconometrics, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics and Market Design.

List of Publications
Simpson B, McGrimmon T, Irwin K. Are blacks really less trusting than whites? Revisiting the race and trust question. Social Forces. 2007 Dec 1;86(2):525-52.
His research intrest is on Behavioral Microeconomics and Finance, Bargaining and Game Theory, Experimental Economics, Mathematical and Agent Based Economics, Microeconometrics, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics and Market Design.

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management