
Tuane Cristine Ramos Gonçalves Vieira holds PhD in Biological Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, postdoctoral degree from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID / NIH) (2012), and postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of thermodynamics of viral proteins Gregorio Weber (IBQM / UFRJ) (2009-2014) as post-doctorate FAPERJ Note 10, where he guides students of scientific initiation and master's degree. She is currently a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro. He has experience in biochemistry and biophysics, with emphasis on structural biology of proteins and glycobiology.

Research Intrest

Biochemistry and Biophysics, with emphasis on Structural biology of proteins and Glycobiology.

List of Publications
VIEIRA, TCRG ; Lamb, Y .; CAUGHEY, B.; Silva, JL . Heparin binding confers prion stability and impairs its aggregation. The FASEB Journal, v. 000, p. 000, 2014.
RANGEL, L.Rangel, LP ; COSTA, DCF ; VIEIRA, TCRG ; Silva, JL . The aggregation of mutant p53 produces prion-like properties in cancer. Prion , v. 8, p. 1-10, 2014.
Silva, JL ; de Oliveira, AC ; VIEIRA, TCRG ; OLIVEIRA, GAP ; SUAREZ, MC ; Foguel, D. . High-Pressure Chemical Biology and Biotechnology. Chemical Reviews , p. 140602090259002-xxx, 2014.
DE MORAES, MARCELA CRISTINA; SANTOS, JULIANA BOSCO; DOS ANJOS, DANIEL MEIRA; RANGEL, LUCIANA PEREIRA ; VIEIRA, TUANE CRISTINE RAMOS GONÇALVES ; MOADDEL, RUIN; DA SILVA, JERSON LIMA. Prion protein-coated magnetic beads: Synthesis, characterization and development of a new ligands screening method. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A , v. 1379, p. 1-8, 2015.

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