Tracy Chu

Associate Professor
Health and Nutrition Sciences
Brooklyn College
United Arab Emirates

Professor Nutrition

Tracy Chu is an Associate Professor and Deputy Chair at Brooklyn College and is also appointed to the CUNY School of Public Health's Doctorate of Public Health program. At Brooklyn she has taught Death & Dying, Personal & Community Health, Epidemiology, Principles of Health Sciences, and Directed Research at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level she has taught Intro & Advanced Health Policy, Program Evaluation in Community Health, Research Seminar III, Master's Paper, and Master's Thesis. Chu's areas of research include well-being among immigrant survivors of political violence, infant mortality, specifically infant injury deaths, and experiences of trauma and loss among low-income, minority communities. She holds a Certification in Thanatology (CT) from the Association for Death Education and Counseling.

Research Intrest

Social construction of illness, race and ethnicity, immigration, urban sociology, mental health, maternal and child health, trauma and loss.