Toomas Orro

Estonian University


Toomas Orro is Professor of  clinical immunology of domestic animals.

Research Intrest

Research interests include Health; 3.2. Veterinary Medicine; SPECIALITY: Acute phase proteins in domestic animal.

List of Publications
Reimus, K.; Orro, T.; Emanuelson, U.; Viltrop, A.; Mõtus, K. (2017). Reasons and risk factors for on-farm mortality in Estonian dairy herds. Livestock Science, 198, 1−9.
Mõtus, K.; Reimus, K.; Orro, T.; Viltrop, A.; Emanuelson, U. (2017). On-farm mortality, causes and risk factors in Estonian beef cow-calf herds. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 139 (A), 10−19.
Seppä-Lassila, L.; Eerola, U.; Orro, T.; Härtel, H.; Simojoki, H.; Autio, T.; Pelkonen, S.; Soveri, T. (2017). Health and growth of Finnish beef calves and the relation to acute phase response. Livestock Science, 196, 7−13.
Semjonov, A.; Andrianov, V.; Raath P.J.; Orro, T., Venter, D.; Laubscher, L. (2017). Evaluation of BAM (butorhpanol-azaperone-medetomidine) in captive African lions immobilization (Panthera Leo). Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia,
Lassen, B.; Oliviero, C.: Orro, T.; Jukola, E.; Laurila, T.; Haimi-Hakala, M.; Heinonen, M. (2017). Effect of fenbendazole in water on pigs infected with Ascaris suum in finishing pigs under field conditions. Veterinary Parasitology, 237.