Tony Belpaeme

Science and Engineering
Plymouth University
United Kingdom

Professor Engineering

Tony Belpaeme is Professor of Cognitive Systems and Robotics at Plymouth University. He is associated with the Cognition Institute and the Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems. He is a member of the College of the EPSRC. His research interests include social systems, cognitive robotics,  and artificial intelligence in general.Until April 2005 he was a postdoctoral fellow of the Flemish fund for scientific research (FWO Vlaanderen), and was affiliated with the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, directed by Luc Steels, at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He held a guest professorship at the same university, where he taught introductory artificial intelligence and autonomous systems.

Research Intrest

Research interest of Tony Belpaeme includes: Autonomous Control Systems, Electronics and Mathematics.

List of Publications
Di Nuovo A, Broz F, Belpaeme T, Cangelosi A, Cavallo F et al. (2015) Toward usable and acceptable robot interfaces for the elderly: The robot-era project experience. Int Psychogeriatr 27:179-179.
Lyon C, Nehaniv CL, Saunders J, Belpaeme T, Bisio A, et al. (2016) Embodied Language Learning and Cognitive Bootstrapping: Methods and Design Principles. Int j adv robot syst 13: 105-105.
Baxter P, Ashurst E, Read R, Kennedy J, Belpaeme T (2017) Robot education peers in a situated primary school study: Personalisation promotes child learning. PLoS One 12: e0178126.

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