Tomasz Brzezinski

Department of Mathematics
Swansea University
United Kingdom

Professor Mathematics

Tomasz Brzezinski is a professor in the Department of Mathematics.He is a expert in Noncommutative geometry, Corings and comodules.

Research Intrest

Hopf algebras and quantum groups, Category theory.

List of Publications
Brzeziński T (2016) Rota–Baxter systems, dendriform algebras and covariant bialgebras. Journal of Algebra 460: 1-25.
Brzeziński T(2016). Noncommutative Differential Geometry of Generalized Weyl Algebras. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 12: 059
Brzeziński T (2016). Circle and Line Bundles Over Generalized Weyl Algebras. Algebras and Representation Theory 19: 57-69.