Todd L. VanPool

Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Missouri State University


2003 (Fall) Doctorate of Philosophy, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Professor Robert D. Leonard, Committee Chair. 1994 Master of Arts Degree in Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1991 Bachelor of Arts Degree in Anthropology and Religion, Summa Cum Laude, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico.

Research Intrest

Network Analysis, Cosmology

List of Publications
VanPool, T. L., and C. Savage 2010 War, Women, and the Salado Religion: The Spread of Salado Polychromes in the American Southwest. In Innovations in Cultural Systems: Contributions from Evolutionary Anthropology, edited by M. J. O’Brien and S. J. Shennan, pp. 251–266. MIT Press, Cambridge.
Rakita, Gordon F.M., Christine S. VanPool, and Todd L. VanPool 2011 Excavations at the 76 Draw Site, Luna County, New Mexico. In Patterns in Transition: Papers from the 16th Biennial Jornada Mogollon Conference, edited by Melinda R. Landreth, pp. 29–64. El Paso Museum of Archaeology, El Paso, Texas.
VanPool, C. S., and T. L. VanPool 2012 Casas Grandes Phenomenon. In The Oxford Handbook of North American Archaeology, edited by T. R. Pauketat, pp. 243–258. Oxford Press, New York.
VanPool, C. S., and T. L. VanPool 2012 Breath and Being: Contextualizing Object Persons at Paquimé, Chihuahua, Mexico. In Archaeology of Spiritualities, edited by K. Rountree, C. Morris, and A. Peatfield, pp. 87–106. Springer, New York.
McCarthy, E. M., G.F.M. Rakita, and T. L. VanPool 2013 Faunal Analysis and Environmental Reconstruction of the 76 Draw Site, New Mexico. In Advances in Jornada Mogollon Archaeology: Proceedings from the 17th Jornada Mogollon Conference, edited by T. VanPool, E. McCarthy, and C. VanPool, pp. 185–196. El Paso Museum of Archaeology, El Paso, Texas.
VanPool, T. L., C. Oswald, J. Christy, J. R. Ferguson, , G.F.M. Rakita, and C. S. VanPool 2013 Provenance Studies of Obsidian at 76 Draw. In Advances in Jornada Mogollon Archaeology: Proceedings from the 17th Jornada Mogollon Conference, edited by T. VanPool, E. McCarthy, and C. VanPool, pp. 163–184. El Paso Museum of Archaeology, El Paso, Texas.
VanPool, T. L., and M. J. O’Brien 2013 Social Complexity and the Bow and Arrow in the North American Southwest. Evolutionary Anthropology 22:111–117.
VanPool, T. L., M. J. O’Brien, and R. L. Lyman 2015 Innovation and Natural Selection in Paleoindian Projectile Points from the American Southwest. In Lithic Technological Systems: Stone, Human Behavior, and Evolution, edited by N. Goodale and W. Andrefsky, Jr., pp. 61–81. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
VanPool, T. L., Teresa M. Jones, Jessica L. Boldt, Francisco M. Zuniga López, Gordon F.M. Rakita, and Christine S. VanPool 2015 Bedrock Mortars and Their Significance at Cerro del Diablo, Chihuahua, Mexico. In Collected Papers from the 18th Biennial Mogollon Archaeology Conference, edited by Lonnie C. Ludeman, pp. 145–149. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico.
VanPool, C. S., and T. L. VanPool 2015 Religion and Cosmology in the Casas Grandes World. In Ancient Paquime and the Casas Grandes World, edited by P. E. Minnis and M. E. Whalen, pp. 83–100. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.