Tânia Mara Pinto Dabés Guimarães

Faculty of Pharmacy of UFMG
Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analysis
Federal University of Minas Gerais


Graduated in Pharmacy-Biochemistry at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1979), master's degree in Biological Sciences (Microbiology) from Federal University of Minas Gerais (1985) and PhD in Biological Sciences (Parasitology) at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1995). Held the Post doctorate with a scholarship from CAPES, the Pasteur Institute of Lille, France (area: Tuberculosis Immunology) during the year 2007. He serves as Associate professor and researcher at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She is a sub-coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Clinical and Toxicological Analysis and is accredited as permanent advisor, Masters and PhD levels. He also works in continuing education courses and teaches modules with an approach in Clinical Immunology. Has experience in the area of ​​Pharmacy-Biochemistry, With emphasis on Clinical and Toxicological Analysis. Main areas of research: Immunology of infectious diseases, such as Tuberculosis (main line of research) and Immunotoxicology. Leader of research group at CNPq: A) Tuberculosis immunology. B) Immunotoxicity study of natural and synthetic products. Member of the Mycobacterioses research group.

Research Intrest

Parasitology, Microbiology,Clinical Immunology, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

List of Publications
Guimarães, Tânia Mara Pinto Dabés ; TOLEDO, VPCP; NATALI, AM; DANTAS, NGT; Spíndola de Miranda, Silvana. Evaluation of the Immune Response of Individuals Infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Patients with Active Tuberculosis. ISRN Immunology, V. 2012, p. 1-7, 2012.
DANTAS, NGT; GUIMARÃES, TANIA MPD ; TOLEDO, VPCP; Silva, ML; FUJIWARA, R .; MIRANDA, SS . Evaluation of the Influence of Skin Color on the Immunological Response to Tuberculosis. Current Trends in Immunology, V. 14, p. 97-104, 2013.
INÊZ-FERREIRA, TATIANA MARIA; MENDOZA, LEONEL; Page 2 ANDRADE, HÉLIDA MONTEIRO DE; HADDAD, JOÃO PAULO; NUNES, FERNANDA FREIRE CAMPOS; GONDIM, ISABELA MOREIRA; Guimarães, Tânia Mara Pinto Dabés ; OF TOLEDO, VICENTE DE PAULO COELHO PEIXOTO. A Leishmania murine model to evaluate the immunomodulatory properties of Pythium insidiosum proteins. Heliyon, V. 3, p. E00278, 2017.
FERREIRA, TAR; ANDRADE, Hélida Maria; MADUREIRA, P.; CARVALHO, MG; PIRES, SF; OLIVEIRA, IHR; LIMA, BS; FIALHO-JUNIOR, LC; CICARINI, WB; CHAPEAUROUGE, DA; PERALES, JH; GUIMARÃES, TMPD ; TOLEDO, VPCP . Identification of potential biomarkers for systemic lupus erythematosus diagnosis using two-dimensional differential electrophoresis gel (2D-DIGE) and mass spectrometry. Autoimmunity , v. 3, p. 1-11, 2017.