Tian Yong

Assistant Professor
Environment Science
South University of Science and Technology of China


Tian Yong, born in March 1983. In 2005 graduated from Wuhan University, in 2007 and 2012 in Huazhong University of Science and Technology received master's and doctoral degrees, in 2013 to enter the Peking University Institute of Technology in postdoctoral research, in July 2015 entered the Southern University of Science and Technology School of Environmental Science and Engineering. Dr. Tian Yong's research interests include surface water-groundwater coupling simulation, three-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical calculation, integrated river basin water resources management, environmental information science, GIS / RS and water environment science cross-application, etc., has many years of experience in water environment professional software development , In the basin water resources management decision support system, three-dimensional scientific visualization, numerical modeling and other fields has accumulated a wealth of software development results. The research results have been published in the top journals in the field of water resources and environmental modeling in Water Resources Research, Environmental Modeling and Software, and showcase research at key international conferences such as AGU and EGU.

Research Intrest

1) Watershed scale surface water - groundwater coupling simulation and ecological hydrological processes 2) Environmental Information Science and 3D Visualization 3) Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic water quality

List of Publications
Tian Y, Zheng Y, Zheng C, Xiao H, Fan W, et al. (2015) Exploring scale-dependent ecohydrological responses in a large endorheic river basin through integrated surface water- Groundwater modeling. Water Resources Research 51: 4065-4085.
Wu X, Zheng Y, Wu B, Tian Y, Han F, et al. (2016) Optimizing conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater for irrigation to address human nature water conflicts: a surrogate modeling approach. Agricultural Water Management 1: 380-392.
Tian Y, Zheng Y, Zheng C, (2016) Development of a 3D visualization tool for integrated surface water and groundwater modeling. Computers & Geosciences 86: 1-14.