Thomas E. Wittum

Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Food Animal Health Research Program, OARDC
United States of America


Thomas E. Wittum had done his BS from Kansas State University, Department of Animal Scienceand Industry in 1983 and MS from Colorado State University, Department of Clinical Sciences in 1989. He completed his PhD from Colorado State University, Department of Clinical Sciences, Specialization in Epidemiology in Summer 1992.

Research Intrest

Infectious disease epidemiology Zoonotic infectious diseases Preharvest food safety Veterinary antimicrobial use and the dissemination of resistant bacteria

List of Publications
Landers, TF, DF Mollenkopf, RL Faubel, A Dent, P Pancholi, JB Daniels, TE Wittum. Extended Spectrum β-lactam Resistance in the Enteric Flora of Patients at a Tertiary Care Medical Center. Zoonoses and Public Health 2016; doi: 10.1111/zph.12293.
Mollenkopf DF, JW Stull, DA Mathys, AS Bowman, SM Feicht, JB Daniels, TE Wittum. Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae recovered from the environment of a swine farrow-to-finish operation in the United States. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017; e01298.
Mathys, DA, BA Mathys, DF Mollenkopf, JB Daniels, TE Wittum. Enterobacteriaceae Harboring AmpC (blaCMY) and ESBL (blaCTX-M) in Migratory and Nonmigratory Wild Songbird Populations on Ohio Dairies. Vector borne Zoonotic Disease, 2017;doi: 10.1089/vbz.2016.2038.
Mathys, DA, DF Mollenkopf, CA Bremer, JB Daniels, TE Wittum. Prevalence of AmpC- and ESBL- (Extended Spectrum β-lactamase) harboring Enterobacteriaceae in fecal flora of a healthy domestic canine population. Zoonoses and Public Health 2017; doi:10.1111/zph.12341.
Mathys, DA, DF Mollenkopf, J Nolting, A Bowman, JB Daniels, TE Wittum. Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporin-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae in enteric flora of wild ducks. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 2017;doi:10.7589.
Adams RJ, DA Mathys, DF Mollenkopf, A Whittle, JB Daniels, TE Wittum. Carbapenemase-Producing Aeromonas veronii Disseminated in the Environment of an Equine Specialty Hospital. Vectorborne Zoonotic Dis 2017;17:439-442.