Theresa Adelman-Mullally

Assistant Professor
Bradley University
United States of America

Professor Nursing

"Theresa Adelman-Mullally currently teaches Fundamental Nursing Theory and Practicum, Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Theory and Practicum, Men’s Health, and Alcohol: Use and Abuse. Although a majority of her clinical career was in Emergency Nursing, she also has interests in Leadership and Mental Health. Professor Adelman-Mullally's professional career has been varied. She became a Commissioned Officer in the US Army Nurse Corp and taught periodically at the US Army LPN School. After military service, she pursued Emergency Nursing and later, Organ Recovery Coordination. Professor Adelman-Mullally has taught nursing since 2004, but joined Bradley University in August 2009. She is particularly interested in strategies such as Concept Mapping, Classroom Response Systems, and Clinical Simulation. Professor Adelman-Mullally is credentialed by the National League for Nursing as a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE)."

Research Intrest

Fundamental Nursing Theory and Practicum, Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Theory and Practicum, Men’s Health, and Alcohol: Use and Abuse.

List of Publications
Adelman-Mullally T, Mulder CK, McCarter-Spalding DE, Hagler DA, Gaberson KB, Hanner MB, Oermann MH, Speakman ET, Yoder-Wise PS, Young PK. The clinical nurse educator as leader. Nurse education in practice. 2013 Jan 31;13(1):29-34.
Kerber C, Adelman-Mullally T, Kim MJ, Astroth KS. OR-43: The impact of pathological gambling on older adults. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 2015 Mar 1;4(S1):22-3.