Teemu Siiskonen

Department of Physics
Helsinki Institute of Physics

Professor Physics

Tuomas Grahn is working as a professor in the department of physics at Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland. He is the leader of the project "Radiation Metrology for Applications". He has published many research papers, which appeared in national and international journals and edited books. He has also made presentations at several international and national seminars and conferences.

Research Intrest

Radiation Metrology

List of Publications
Siiskonen, Teemu. "Syöpäriski säteilyhaittana: riskilaskentaohjelmisto."
Tapiovaara, Tero, Markku Tapiovaara, Teemu Siiskonen, and Arvi Hakanen. "Säteilyturvakeskuksen Dosimetrialaboratorion röntgensäteilyn vakiolaatujen spektrit." (2008).
Koivunoro, Hanna, Teemu Siiskonen, Petri Kotiluoto, Iiro Auterinen, Eero Hippeläinen, and Sauli Savolainen. "Accuracy of the electron transport in mcnp5 and its suitability for ionization chamber response simulations: a comparison with the egsnrc and penelope codes." Medical physics 39, no. 3 (2012): 1335-1344.