Tatyana A. Valueva

Laboratory of Biochemistry of Proteolysis
AN Bach Institute of Biochemistry
Russian Federation

Professor Biochemistry

The studies on a collaboration linkage grant of the NATO-Russia Joint Scientific and Technological Cooperation Committee are carried out together with the colleagues of Prof. A. Santino’s Lab. in ISPA Institute of Sciences of Food Productions, National Researches Council of Italy (Via Montteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy). The work under the agreement of scientific cooperation RAS and NAS Belarus on the topic “Isolation, purification, properties, and possible practical application of protein proteinase inhibitors from most promising plant species Compositae” are carried out together with the colleagues in V.F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany NAS Belarus

Research Intrest

The study of proteolytic enzymes from phytopathogenic microorganisms and their natural plant inhibitors, mechanisms of regulation of plant proteolysis processes and physiological functions of proteinases and their inhibitors during pathogenesis. We worked also at the creation of some preparations for biotechnology and medicine on the base of proteinases and their natural inhibitors. 

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry